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Hi everyone ! What’s the difference between unlimited and limitless? Thanks !

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Linus238 profile picture Linus238January 2021
”unlimited” means that you or something have unrestricted access to something. And wether you want to or not, you can’t run out of it.
”limitless” means, that the ressource or thing does not exist infinitely but it seems infinitely accessible.
Setsukochan profile picture SetsukochanMarch 2021

Interesting question! I believe that the difference does not reside in the very meaning, since both words have the same core meaning, but rather in the situations in which the one or the other applies. Perhaps a native speaker like ex-Ranger could help us sort it out. 

As I said before, to me, it has nothing to do with the meaning in itself, because both words, in their construction, mean "the absence of limits". In lexicology (=the study of words), UN- is a prefix of negation, and -LESS is a suffix that also conveys the idea of "absence". 

(prefix) UN- + (root - past participle of vb) LIMITED  

(root - noun) LIMIT + -LESS (suffix) 

I would say that "limitless" can be used to characterize a human being on top of applying to concepts or more concrete elements, perhaps with the idea that a limit could not technically exist anyway. A limitless consciousness, limitless possibilites (=endless), limitless production of goods...  

I may be wrong, but "unlimited" seems a bit more focused on concrete things, with the idea that a limit could be technically set. Unlimited production, unlimited supplies, unlimited power, unlimited strength, unlimited access to something (vs. limitless access)...   

You can put an end to an access to something, to the power of a person or an organization, but it is hard to imagine putting an end to consciousness, for example.

This Quora thread could be of some use: 

Marie298 profile picture Marie298April 2021
There is no literal, etymological difference between them. In practice, however, they differ in their ability to be used to describe a) something which itself has no (or no apparent) limits, and b) something which has had or can have limits applied to it. Both words can be and are used equally well for meaning ”a” and, in fact, are synonyms. For meaning ”b” only ”unlimited” is used. Unlimited mileage in a car rental agreement, for example. But that’s just a convention. The same idea is expressed in a cafe that offers a ”bottomless coffee cup” with your breakfast. An ”unbottomed” coffee cup would technically mean the same thing—but no one would understand it because no one would say it that way!
  • kiko00 profile picture kiko00Sidste måned
    n practical terms, ”unlimited” and ”bottomless” convey the concept of boundlessness, but their usage differs subtly. ”Unlimited” is typically employed when discussing something with or without limits, such as in a car rental agreement offering ”unlimited mileage.” Conversely, ”bottomless” often denotes endless availability, as seen in a café’s ”bottomless coffee cup” offer. While both terms can overlap, ”unlimited” is more commonly used in formal contexts, while ”bottomless” tends to be informal or figurative.

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